Sunday, November 1, 2015

Reflection of the Measurement Unit

This unit has drawn to an end as we took our unit test on Thursday. Overall, this unit was not too difficult for me. Some concepts, such as significant figures, took a bit more of review and memorization, but after a bit of practice, I got them down completely. I practiced using Science Geek and KhanAcademy. However, the actual unit test, I am not so confident about. The majority of the test covered the basics of what we learned and were fairly simple, but many questions combined sig figs and dimensional analysis and took a VERY long time to answer. I had to triple check my answers, and some questions I did not even have time to look back at which makes me very worried. Nearing the end-of-class bell, I was frantically trying to recalculate my answers to make sure they were right. Hopefully, I am. 

One thing I was definitely not confident about were the dimensional analysis questions that required MULTIPLE steps, much more than the ones we practiced in class. I will look over this site for some additional help. This video from Crash Course also looks promising.

Reflecting on the party on Friday, I thought everyone brought in some delicious food. However, it didn't help that I came to class with a full stomach, so I was not able to enjoy everyone's food to the full extent. Good job everyone though!


  1. That picture is so relatable, Erin. I also felt a little lost on the test. I feel like in a way the celebration was supposed to distract us from all of our grades plummeting after the test scores are entered in the gradebook...

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