Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Empirical Formulas

Today's lesson was pretty simple, but chockful of tedious types of problems. We finally learned what empirical formulas are, as many empirical problems were on the pretest which I did not understand at all. However, after the lesson today, I am now aware that they are really simple. Empirical formulas are simply the lowest whole number ratio of the elements in a compound. For example, H2O is an empirical formula as the numbers of elements cannot be reduced any further. On the other hand, N2O4 is not an empirical, rather a molecular formula because it can be reduced. When it is reduced to NO2, it becomes an empirical formula. So, pretty straightforward. We also learned how to find the empirical formula of a compound using a given mass or percent of an element in that compound. 

Here are some empirical formulas practice websites: Chemistry.about and SoftSchools

Bozeman Science also has a video that contains some empirical formula lessons.

I am looking forward to our lab tomorrow. Hopefully, I will be able to look over the lab and my notes tomorrow and a bit tonight as I have not had much time due to having to stay at school until after 8 p.m for the fall play tech week. BTW,  everyone should come to the play!! Opening night is tomorrow at 7 p.m, and tickets are 5$. I'd love to see some of my chem pals support drama club!

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