Thursday, November 5, 2015

First Lessons on the Mole

Today and Wednesday were lecture days. After being so confused while taking the pre-test, I was surprised to learn how fairly simple these first couple concepts are. It is mainly converting moles into various units and vice versa for both elements and compounds. Doing more practice will definitely make me more efficient at doing these sorts of problems. This site,, looks very helpful. I believe I have stated before that one of my favorite chemistry videos to watch are Bozeman videos; this one corresponds to the Mole lesson. Another video of his that is very detailed and easy to follow is this one explaining mole conversions.

At first, I was a bit confused since I thought that moles and molecules were the same things, but in reality, moles are just a unit of measuring particle amount. Moles can either be of atoms of an element or molecules of a compound. Additionally, it will be crucial to memorize those polyatomic ions and nomenclature rules. I will definitely be reviewing those as making a naming mistake leads to wrong answers.

1 comment:

  1. First I would love to say that I love the picture you chose. My first thought with this unit was "what have I got myself into". The concepts were just difficult to understand somewhat quickly. And the chart she had just threw me off at some points.
