Monday, November 23, 2015

Quiz and Lecture Reflection

The 11 question quiz we took today was not bad in means of content, but the timed aspect of it gave me much stress. Additionally, I kept getting the wrong balance for the balancing equation questions, and I had to use extra time to focus on those to make sure I was getting the right balance. And even further, I didn't have much time to look over my answers. I really need better time-management skills, especially when under pressure.

In other news, the lecture today on acid-base reactions was new and a bit difficult, as it's very different than the reactions we've been learning about so far. We'll definitely have to know what distinguishes strong v. weak acids/bases, which is what makes it so complicated for me. I don't really understand the difference between a strong and weak acid or base. This video from Crash Course looks pretty helpful.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for the video! I've also been having difficulties understanding these new lessons. Bozeman videos also help a lot, check them out! (Also disregard the deleted comment I accidentally made it from my multimedia account.)

  3. Thanks for the video. If you're looking to improve your speed at balancing equations, I strongly recommend the test prep stuff on Schoology, particularly the 70-ish question long packet. I won't lie and say that it's fun, but you will get your time down.
