Sunday, November 22, 2015

Chemical Reactions Lab

Friday's lab was a lab I thoroughly enjoyed! The lab had us combining various substances and seeing whether they'd have a chemical reaction or not. For the most part, our predictions were correct. We found two exceptions to the solubility rules. Potassium iodide and copper chloride would not have a reaction based on the solubility rules, but did indeed have one when we combined the two substances in lab. Additionally, we predicted that some reactions would result in a product of lead chloride, but lead chloride is actually soluble. It was really fascinating to watch how once one substance touched the other, the product immediately changed color or texture. Some products were really cool-looking while others produced an unpleasant color and texture. 

I see you, Column 1 Row 2!! (One of the most unpleasant substances)

On another note, we have a quiz tomorrow that will only contain 11 questions. One part of me is extremely grateful as it's very short, but another part of me is dreading it and fearing that I will miss some questions, giving me a much higher chance of getting a bad score on it. We'll see though.


  1. I agree with some of the reactions looking nasty. But otherwise I truly enjoyed the lab, it was very cool to see all the immediate reactions! I hope we do something like this in the future.

  2. I really like the picture that you added I always found the pink ones really pretty colored. And the one that formed a solid(First picture Column 3 row 3) was really cool ( in my group we didn't realize it was a solid immediately so when we tried to clean it and it stayed there was cool).
