Monday, November 30, 2015

RedOx Reactions & Oxidation Numbers

Today's lesson was more on the difficult side for me. I was fine with double replacement, but I'm a bit iffy on the acid base reactions and the redox ones we learned about today. There is a lot to memorize, and some aspects are confusing. I think I will just need to watch some review videos and do vigorous sessions of practice.

To summarize, redox reactions are reactions in which electrons have been transferred. This transfer can be separated into either reduction or oxidation, memorized by the mnemonic, OIL RIG. This means "Oxidation is Losing (Electrons) and Reduction is Gaining (Electrons)". We also learned about oxidation numbers in which each ion/element follows a set of rules to determine the number of electrons they lose/gain.

I am a bit worried for Thursday's unit exam, as I am still confused on some portions of this unit. I should study. A lot. Bozeman's video on Redox reactions helped with today's lesson, and I plan on looking at Crash Course's as well.


  1. I wish that we would have been able to learn this lesson before the break because I feel that this one needed a real long time to sink in for some people (me especially). But I like the way you summed up the lesson and the pictures you used.

  2. Erin you did a great job summarizing the lesson thrown on us. Your links helped too, especially my homie Bozeman Science.
