Monday, November 16, 2015

Chemical Composition Test Reflection

After taking the unit test today, I believe it is safe to say that I am smiling on the outside, but feeling pain on the inside. I studied a lot for this test, and even then, I don't think it was enough to prepare me for today. The majority of the questions were moderately easy, but I didn't get a chance to double-check them, so I pray to the chemistry gods that they were correct. The rest of the test, I was either confused on the wording, completely blanked on how to solve them, or simply didn't know how to do them. I guessed on roughly five of the questions which isn't too bad, I guess. We'll see though...

Throughout this unit, the majority of the concepts were not difficult at all, I guess just applying those concepts on the test was what made it so difficult. I am definitely going to need to review this chapter for the final exam. This is probably the first chemistry exam/quiz that I have not felt fairly confident in my answers. I'm really hoping that I did decent on it.


  1. For me it is safe to say that that test was the MOST difficult thing I have ever done. I thought I knew how to do the problems but the difficulty of the test plus the little amount of time we had for it made it so difficult.

  2. I agree this test was soooo hard. I'm glad to know it's not just me who thinks so.
