Thursday, November 12, 2015

Formula of a Chloride Lab

I think with all this practice, these empirical formulas are becoming easier and easier to solve. Today's pre-lab quiz was really simple, and I was stoked that we were able to confer with our partners. It allowed me to catch some simple calculation errors that would've maybe given be the incorrect answer. However, I think the concept of finding empirical formulas is very simple. I just need to practice and memorize some more. The lab we did today was similar to Monday's lab, except this time, we heated zinc and hydrochloric acid. After a couple minutes on the hot plate, the zinc would dissolve into the acid, as shown in this picture.

The resulting product was a solid resembling table salt. 

Like the Formula of a Hydrate lab, we took the masses of the beaker, beaker plus zinc, and beaker plus zinc/acid. These masses would be used at the end to calculate the empirical formula of zinc chloride.

Overall, this lab was interesting. The only thing I absolutely despised was the SMELL of the chlorine gas. It smelled kind of like metal, but VERY pungent metal. Looking forward to future labs.


  1. Awesome pics! They really captured the lab well. As for the smell, I could have gone without it as well.

  2. Good job on the lab! I also thought it was pretty cool how she let us collaborate with our partners for the pre-lab. The smell however, was not as cool.

  3. You're right, it did smell pretty intense, and I kind of couldn't wait to get out of the room because of that, but after you got used to it, the lab itself was pretty cool. I was really glad we got to talk to our partners, because I would have been really confused if mine hadn't helped me out.
