Monday, October 26, 2015

Measurement Quiz Reflection

I thought this first quiz was fairly simple, not bad at all. I'd stated in a previous blog post that I found significant figures pretty confusing, but after rereading the textbook and doing some online practice problems, I found myself getting the hang of it. One resource I found that was extremely helpful was Bozeman Science's video on significant figures. I enjoy watching his videos before any quiz/test as he is excellent at explaining scientific concepts.

One thing I had trouble on were the significant figure questions that included multiple operations. Since the problem would have both multiplication and addition, I was confused on whether to round the answer based on addition rules (lowest decimal) or multiplication rules (lowest number of sig figs). I wish we would've gone over this a bit more in class.

I am curious as to what we will be learning for the rest of the week. My plans for tonight are to work on the last meal project.


  1. I wholeheartedly agree with you about Bozeman Science videos. I used them a lot in Biology,but I didn't know that there were any Chemistry videos—thanks! To answer your question about when and how to round with multiple operations, it is my understanding that you should round any time that the rules change. For example if you add two numbers together and then multiply that sum by another number, add and round using the addition rules then multiply and round your final answer with the multiplication rules.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with you about Bozeman Science videos. I used them a lot in Biology,but I didn't know that there were any Chemistry videos—thanks! To answer your question about when and how to round with multiple operations, it is my understanding that you should round any time that the rules change. For example if you add two numbers together and then multiply that sum by another number, add and round using the addition rules then multiply and round your final answer with the multiplication rules.

  3. The video helped me so very much with understanding, I watched every video that she recommended because I had absolutely no clue what to do about sig figs but now I understand them a lot better.

  4. I still have trouble with sig figs. I think I understand it better now, but I agree multiple operations is very confusing.

  5. As Claire said, the Bozeman Science videos are extremely informative, and I am always watching them. I also would like to recommend the Crash Course Chemistry videos, they are very helpful with many tips and tricks as well!

  6. I don't watch bozeman videos, but I heard they are really good. And I also agree on the fact that the sig figs with multiple operations is very confusing. I honestly don't know what do with those problems. I think that I am gonna lose a lot of points in the Unit test just because of sig figs.
