Thursday, October 22, 2015

Recap of Signficant Figures Lesson

I'd never thought we'd be learning about the importance of zeroes, but today in class, I was proved wrong. The lesson covered how to round with decimals according to chemistry and how to identify significant figures. At first, I had no clue what was going on and was pretty overwhelmed by the amount of rules I needed to remember to accurately solve for answers. I think if I just go over the characteristics of a significant figure some more, I can probably grasp the hang of it. It'll just take some (a lot) of practice. This site contains some great practice problems. I hope we can also do some more in-class practice and review.


  1. I agree. After taking the first quiz, I think it's pretty clear that I could use a little more in-class practice of the more complicated sig fig problems. I think we'll get some more practice with this through the Last Meal Project, so hopefully this will help on the unit test.

  2. I feel I still need a little work with the significant numbers because I'm still a bit confused by them but the chart helped a lot.
