Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Stoich Quiz Reflection

Today's quiz was pretty easy, at least for me. I finished about 20 minutes into class which is definitely a first. I usually take up to the bell, sometimes even more, to finish quizzes/tests. I even used some time to double check my answers. Although, it does freak me out a bit that I finished so early as I'm worried I did something wrong. However, I don't really know what I could've messed up on. We'll see though.


Everything was pretty straightforward, and the questions were easy to follow.  For a couple of them, however, you had to really read the equation/problem fully to know what steps you need to take to solve it. I went back and caught some of my mistakes thankfully.

This site has a large variety of stoichiometry review games which seems like an interesting way to study.


  1. I also finished rather early, especially considering that this was a chemistry quiz. I finished so early that I actually had the time to go back and check all of my answers (I even took a brief brain-break in the middle by doodling a little on my periodic table). However, the review games that you posted don't really address the math part of stoichiometry. They are good at the more vocabulary-oriented aspects, though, so thanks for them!

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