Monday, December 7, 2015

First Couple Stoich' Lessons

We had our first lectures on stoichiometry today and Friday. Everything has been pretty easy as it just follows a few basic steps, and as long as you memorize which steps to take and when, it can be easily done. Other than that, all you need is knowing conversion skills which we learned in the measurement unit. The conversion factors we have been using are moles and grams, converting a certain number of moles of one substance into grams of another.

This Bozeman Science video covers what we learned incase you need a refresher, or you're having some trouble.

Overall, it seems to me that this unit is one of the no-brainer ones. Thankfully, the majority of the units for this semester have been fairly easy, so it doesn't seem like the final will be too bad.


  1. I agree that to master this unit all you really have to do is remember the steps that you have to take for every stoichiometry problem. I think this unit will be pretty easy overall. Hopefully it doesn't get much harder than this. By the way, I love the chemistry joke! It made me smile.

  2. You really summed up the lessons well And I hope that this unit will not be too bad, but only time will tell. Also the video from crash course helped a lot and the chem joke made me think of Mrs. Frankenebrg because she always has those at the end of a lesson.
