Sunday, December 13, 2015

Lab Day 2

On day 2 of the Copper Chloride & Iron Lab, we were able to see that the copper had grown immensely over night. It was very interesting to see what was once a thin layer of copper on the nail, had about tripled in size in one day. The smell definitely indicated that it was copper. After removing the nail, we siphoned out the liquid, then cleansed the copper with acid, then water. It was actually quite difficult to siphon out the liquid without catching bits of copper, which would throw off the ending mass of the copper if we had accidentally siphoned off some of the copper.


  1. Siphoning all of the liquid out without sucking up and copper was probably the most difficult part of this lab so far haha. I wonder what our copper is going to look like when its completely dried because right now its pretty gross.

  2. Erin you provided a really nice summary of day 2 of the lab. Now that the lab is finished, and after all the calculations, what Iron ion did you get? I'm curious to see what other people got, and it got me thinking that if copper was accidentally siphoned off, could that change the results? Also, cool pictures!!

  3. I really like all the pictures that you included they were very detailed of the product. And I don't know if we were suppose to do this but my partner and I turned the jar on its side so we could could get to just the water easier. But you also summerrized the second part of the lab really well
