Monday, December 14, 2015

Stoich Links

Khan Academy: One of my favorite sites for studying chemistry. Has an excellent method of preparing one for an exam and teaching the lesson. The stoichiometry lesson is very detailed and helpful.

ChemTeam: A great master-post of everything stoich related.

Magic Number Method: A shorter way of doing stoich problems may be helpful if you find yourself taking too much time on them. I, however, will continue doing the method we learned in class because I don't really want to learn a new method this close to the test date.

Chem 4 Kids: This site explains stoich in very simple terms.

Science is Cool: Some more stoich practice!


  1. I use most of these sites to help me study as well. They are super helpful and I'm glad you posted them as they will probably help someone else just as much, good luck on the test!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I actually found a fee of these websites as well and posted them in my blog. But the ones I didn't have helped me a lot as well. Thanks!!

  4. I actually found a fee of these websites as well and posted them in my blog. But the ones I didn't have helped me a lot as well. Thanks!!

  5. I agree with you, Erin. Khan academy is one of the best websites ever. It has saved my grade too many times. Khan academy does a great job in explaining the topic. I often easily understand what they are talking about. Usually takes me a little to realize what's going on but when I watch Khan academy videos, I easily understand it.
