Monday, September 21, 2015

Isotopes and More!

Today marked the second lesson of the atomic structure and radioactivity unit. We learned the basics on atoms and what they are made of, how to calculate atomic mass and how to write an isotope in proper notation. The things we learned today covered a big chunk of the questions I was confused on during the pre-test. I now know how to calculate the amount of subatomic particles in a given atom of an element based on the isotope notation. I do not remember learning this concept in Physical Science, so this is an entirely new concept I have just learned. I really enjoy having those practice problems where we can actually interact with it via a wireless app. They let me apply my knowledge and practice for the quizzes/tests.

At first, I was a bit slow on understanding how to solve for the amount of a subatomic particles because I had to remember which number is which and how they all relate to each other. But I think after some more practice, I will be able to do those problems with no problem!

I'm also very interested to see how tomorrow's Beanium Lab will turn out and how it will be executed.


  1. I really like your post, I agree that this lesson cleared up all the confusion we had on the pretest. Everything is coming together now!

  2. Erin, great job of summarizing the main points of the lesson! What would you say is the hardest concept to understand/apply? The easiest?

  3. I agree I had a bit of trouble remembering which numbers went with which thing. But I'm glad she had us do that little activity at the end, which I feel helped me very much.
