Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First Concepts Learned on Atomic Structure & Radioactivity

For the first lesson about atomic structure & radioactivity, we learned about various scientists and their contributions to the atomic model. We also learned how to calculate percentages of an element found in a certain chemical compound. After taking the pre-test, I was incredibly confused by many of the concepts, but after today's lesson, I now understand the basics of the unit. Some highlights of today's lessons include Dalton's Atomic Theory, Thomson & Rutherford's atomic models vs. the modern atomic model, and using the mass of an element to calculate its percentage. I understood everything we learned today, and I look forward to what other concepts we will learn and how they can be applied to the real world.

For some further and more detailed information on what we learned today, has some awesome resources, including an excellent video and also a quiz for comprehension on the various scientists and their contributions to the atomic theory.


  1. I agree that all of those things that we learned on Tuesday were important, and they definitely cleared up a few of the topics on the pre-test. One important thing that I would like to add is that we learned about the Law of Constant Composition (any given compound always has the same relative proportion by mass of its element components). Other than that, I think you gave a great summery of what we've learned so far in this class!

  2. I feel that I didn't learn it well enough, so I didn't do to well on the test because of it. I should memorize it better for the test. But you really summarized the lesson very good.
