Thursday, January 21, 2016

Quiz Reflection

Today I finally took the weekly quiz from last week. It was not that difficult nor that time consuming as there were not too many calculation problems. The quiz consisted mostly of concept and graph reading questions. This was one of the few quizzes/tests in which I actually had time to spare upon completing it.

Although the calculation portion of the quiz was pretty straightforward and not complicated, I suspect that the calculation problems on the test tomorrow will be a bit more detailed and complex. This means more practice for me :)

Some helpful links for studying:


  1. Erin, you were so lucky you took the test today! I had no idea what I was doing on that test. At least you had a little bit of support. Oh well, what am I gonna do? Btw, thanks for the helpful links. I'll be sure to watch those YouTube videos. :)

  2. I like your stock photo... I also took the quiz today, and I'm glad I did. I feel like by taking it today, the ideas of the unit are still fresh in our memories. Good luck on the exam!

  3. I agree that that quiz wasn't the hardest one we have taken. I too had a fair amount of time to spare on it which made me feel good. Also, thanks for the links. I wish I would have seen them before I took the test.
