Thursday, January 28, 2016

First Lessons on Acid-Base

We started our new unit on acids & bases on Wednesday. So far, the majority of the lessons are not very complex nor difficult to understand. I may just need to study some of the vocab again. Wednesday's lecture consisted of identifying the differences between acids and bases, strong vs. weak, and Arrhenius vs Bronsted-Lowry acids. This was probably the most difficult out of the two lectures we've had so far as it was very vocab-packed, and there are some rules that need to be memorized in order to identify what type of acid or base a substance is. Today's lecture was more math based in that we had. It was basic math and involved a simple formula to find the M of either H or OH ions in a reaction. Overall, these two lessons have not been difficult, and I am hoping that the rest of the unit will not be super bad (but it probably will).

A good summary of what we learned:

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