Fungus Infection

Monarda punctata

Habitat: Eastern deciduous forest & tallgrass prairie

Active Chemical Ingredient: Thymol (C10H14O) has anti-bacterial properties.

Season: June-October

Uses: This plant can be used as an antiseptic to fight infection such as fungal ones.

Preparation: The crushed leaves or extracted oils can be rubbed on the skin to fight infection.

Thymol (n.d) Retrieved September 9, 2015, from

Tall Ironweed
Veronia Gigantea

Habitat: Eastern deciduous forest & tallgrass prairie

Season: July-September

Active Chemical Ingredient: Terpinen-4-ol (C10H18O)

Uses: This plant is anti-bacterial and anti-viral, treating fungus infections.

Preparation: Make the leaves or root into a poultice and apply to the infected area.

Terpinen-4-ol (n.d) Retrieved September 9, 2015, from

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