
Common Milkweed
Asclepias syriaca

Habitat: Eastern deciduous forest & tallgrass prairie

Active Chemical Ingredient: Cinnamic Acid (C9H8O2) acts as a laxative.

Season: June-October

Uses: Milkweed acts as a laxative for constipation.

Preparation: Infuse the root of the plant in water and drink to assist with constipation. 


Cinnamic Acid (n.d) Retrieved September 5, 2015, from

Cichorium intybus

Habitat: Eastern deciduous forest & tallgrass prairie

Season: July-October

Active Chemical Ingredient: Inulin (C6nH10n+2O5n+1) assists with bowel movement.

Uses: Chicory has a mild laxative effect, helping with constipation.

Preparation: The leaves can be eaten directly or the leaves and root can be boiled into a tea.

Inulin (n.d) Retrieved September 6, 2015, from

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